Foundation Repair
"Since 1969"
Protect your home with the strongest foundation repair system in the industry.
Our reputation is rock solid, built on integrity, business ethics and reliability of our products.
Tomorrow's Technology Today
Call us today for your free estimate.
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How it works:
Lifetime Transferable Warranty
Install Steel Piers
1. Determine number of piers needed and proper
pier placement.
2. A hole is dug at the outer edge of the foundation
grade beam and tunneled back under the grade beam.
3. Install L-shaped steel bracket under the foundation
grade beam.
4. Install hydraulic towers with two cylinders to push
steel piling down to bedrock or an equal load bearing
strata and/or complete refusal.
5. Raise and stabilize the foundation to what the
structure will safely allow.
6. Welding steel bracket assembly to steel piling for the
strongest bond. We never use flimsy cables, pins or
stacked shims like others
7. Cut off excess pipe and cap pipe, cover and compact soil.
8. Haul off all debris created during the work process,
leaving the job site clean.
Concrete piling pressed to complete refusal
Free Estimate to Home Owners
Call today: 817-431-2777

Concrete Piling Pier